MfL Learning at Golden Hill


From Autumn 2 2022, Golden Hill are implementing The Happy Minds program aimed at improving wellbeing amongst the children in school. This takes priority over French, so no French will be taught for the year 2022/2023.

However, Year 6 will learn French during Summer Term 2 when they will attend a local high school and be taught by a French teacher on a weekly basis as preparation for moving into Year 7.

At Golden Hill, classes are usually mixed age groups, sometimes crossing Key Stages. Classes have a wide variety of ability and children have already been learning various languages at their mainstream schools. Children often come into school disengaged from their learning and start at different points during the school year depending on when they have been excluded or referred. Children may arrive or leave mid-way through the year.

At Golden Hill we aim to teach French to our KS2 children for half an hour per week. We use Salut! Scheme of work to support the children’s learning of French. Teachers plan from the most relevant age group for their class. This may change during the year.  

MFL Policy

Year 3 & 4 Key Learning

Year 5 & 6 Key Learning