Our School Curriculum focuses on developing the skills and abilities of all our pupils. School staff are fully committed to ensuring the needs of our pupils are met both academically and in regard to their social, emotional and behavioural difficulties. Our Curriculum motivates and challenges our pupils to want to achieve their best in all areas of learning and to take learning risks without fear of failure. Our curriculum develops the skills of enquiry, creative thinking, reasoning, problem solving, information processing and evaluation across all aspects of the curriculum. Our curriculum seeks to support our pupils to develop a high regard for themselves and others, learning to control and manage their own feeling and behaviours as well as responding appropriately to the needs and feelings of others.
We seek to make our curriculum meaningful and relevant to all our pupils. We effectively use our local environment and the expertise within the school and the wider community to present interactive and engaging teaching and learning. We provide relevant cross curricular links (projects/areas of study) and use foundation subjects to enhance core subjects and vice versa.
Our aspiration and committment is for our pupils to become independent learners, to learn through practical first hand experiences, creative opportunities, and engagement with school visitors and via participation on school trips and visits. Our curriculum is exciting and fun but systematically structured in order to develop the key skills our pupils need in order to achieve success.
Curriculum Intent Policy
Please look at our Curriculum Offer
If you require more information about our curriculum, please contact the Deputy Head.