Hot Pot Lunches
Golden Hill provides a daily hot lunch. Pupils can choose from a selection of 2 hot or 1 cold options each day, including a vegetarian option. Pupils who are in Reception, Year 1, Year 2 or pupils eligible for FSM are automatically are entitled to a free school meal. Pupil may also buy a school meal at a cost of £3.50 per day, or £17.50 per week. Payment in advance on the preceding Friday by cash or cheque is appreciated.
Healthy Packed Lunches
Your child’s packed lunch is an important meal in their school day. It gives them all the energy that they need to help them concentrate and grow.
A healthy packed lunch should contain a variety of foods e.g.
Bread, rice, pasta or crackers.If possible wholegrain would be better.
Fillings such as tuna, cheese, lean meat such as chicken, turkey or ham and eggs.
Children could also bring yogurt, fruit, flapjack or muesli bars for a change as a pudding.
Vegetables and fruit.
Children could also bring yogurt, fruit, flapjack or muesli bars for a change as a pudding.
Drinks- water is provided on the child’s table. We do not allow fizzy drinks but prefer fruit juice, milk or squash in a plastic bottle or flask.