Welcome to Eagles Class


Autumn Term

Summer Term

Spring Term

Climbing Wall

Geography – London in the United Kingdom

Autumn Term

Trip to Garden Centre to buy a Christmas tree

Forest Schools

Summer Term

Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Tea Party with parents

Outdoor Adventurous Day at Fairhaven Lake

Spring Term

Day at the beach near Fairhaven Lake

Autumn Term

Trip to Beacon Fell

RE: It’s Harvest time! We had a look at a video about harvest.


Then we went out into our garden to harvest all the fruit, vegetables, flowers and crops we have been growing this year.

We have been learning a Harvest song, have a listen to us singing the song.

PE – We have been having Dance sessions with a coach, look at the dance we have been learning ……


After reading The Little Red Hen, we went into our garden to look for wheat. We found wheat growing in our allotment and picked it.

We enjoyed joining in Roald Dahl Day.

We read ‘The Enormous Crocodile.’

Throughout the day we did activities linked to our story.  Can you spot the enormous crocodile on our story tray?

In English we read ‘Each Peach Pear Plum.’

Click on this link to listen to the story.

Then we went into our garden and looked for a plum tree.  We found a plum tree and spotted the plums growing on it, so we picked them. We then washed them, and had a taste….

We looked around the garden and found other fruit and vegetables growing. We picked apples, courgette, strawberries and raspberries.

We decided to make plum pie.  Have a look at us cutting plums, rolling pastry, cooking and then eating our plum pie….

Spring Term

Science topic on Plants ….

World Book Day – Dressing up as book characters ….

Art – Looking at art work from the artist Joan Miro, then making our own sculptures….

RE – Places of Worship – Looking at a synagogue and church….

Autumn Term

Christmas time in Eagles….

Listen to the feelings and thoughts of the Jolly Postman

PE – Cheerleading

We had a PE coach in to teach us how to cheerlead.  Have a look at the video at us learning the dance routine.

Video of Cheerleading

Finding out about Information texts

Maths Work – shape and measuring….

Shape talking

Planting trees

The Woodland Trust donated trees and bushes, so Mrs Slater set about planting them with the children around our school grounds.  They even had time to sow some wild flower seeds, lets see in the Spring how they get on!

Video of sowing wild flower seeds

Poetry work linked to Halloween…..

Halloween Party

Look at the fun we had at our Halloween Party:

World Mental Health day – HELLOYELLOW

We wore something yellow. We talked about our mental health, making sure we are healthy to help our minds.  We thought about what makes us happy…..

Our Values work on Respect

We have been learning about Respect – ‘treat others how you would like to be treated’  – Look at what we have been doing – respecting our school grounds, keeping it tidy – respecting ourselves by cleaning our teeth – respecting other people by taking turns at archery, making pizza and fruit salads. 

Forest Schools

We have been working with Kestrels and learning how to make a shelter.

We went to look at our Allotment, but it was covered in weeds, so we started to clear it.

We have been out into our garden to look at what has been growing over the past few months!!  Look what we



Spring Term 

In Science, we have started to plant seeds and bulbs. Some seeds we are currently growing in the warmth of the classroom.  We also went and dug up some daffodil bulbs from our grounds and planted them in our garden. 

In Science, we are learning about Plants.  We have tried growing cress in different places – in light, in the dark.  We have tried growing cress with water and no water – in soil, papertowels and cotton wool.  We are waiting to find out which cress grows the best….

In English we looked at the Little Red Hen, and found out how unkind the animals were.  We then made bread, making sure we weighed out all the ingredients carefully, linking into our Maths work on Weighing.

We enjoyed Pancake Day, and made pancakes to eat.  We then thought about the tradition of Pancake Day from the religion of Christianity.  We created a Promises Tree to link into Lent, hanging our promises on the tree.  We also started to think about 40 Acts of Kindness for Lent.

In Science we have been finding out about our Senses – we have been joining in activities linked to our sense of smell, taste, sight and touch.

We went to a Sports Event at our local high school and enjoyed the Young Leaders showing us a variety of games.

Some of the activities we have been exploring in our class…..   counting in 5s, sharing sand and water.

In English we have moved onto Non-fiction work,  finding out about People Who Help Us,  we have looked at how non-fiction books present the information – title, label, photo, caption.  We have been practising writing capital and lower case letters.

We have looked at the story of NOBOT and ordered the sequence of the story and read different sentences from the story.   


We are learning about the Value of Friendship –  We have painted pictures of our friends, thinking about what we like about our friends.


We have made Gingerbread People and given our biscuit to a friend to show our appreciation of friends. 

Our Outdoor Area:  We are starting to use our Outdoor Area.  We have called it the Woods and we have tried out den building and cooking in our mud kitchen!