The sub-committee shall consist of at least 5 managers including the headteacher.
Non-voting participants may be invited to meetings by the sub-committee as and when required.
The sub-committee will appoint the chair of the sub-committee who should not be the headteacher.
The membership and terms of reference of the sub-committee will be reviewed and determined annually by the management committee and recorded in the minutes of that management committee meeting. The agreed membership of the sub-committee is attached.
The management committee will appoint a clerk to the sub-committee, who will not be another manager.
The quorum shall be 3 managers (ensuring at all times that there are 2 non-staff managers making up the quorum).
The clerk to the sub-committee shall be responsible for convening meetings of the committee. Procedures of any meeting held must be minuted and the minutes presented at the next meeting of the management committee.
The sub-committee shall meet at least once each term and otherwise as required.
Finance Responsibilities
1. To provide guidance and assistance to the headteacher and the management committee on all financial issues.
2. To recommend to the management committee internal financial regulations for the financial management of the school in accordance with guidance issued by the Authority.
3. To consider budget plans presented by the headteacher and to make recommendations to the management committee for approval.
4. To consider budget monitoring reports relating to all public funds (ie school budget share and any other funds delegated and devolved by the LA and make recommendations to the management committee.
5. To recommend virements between budget headings where the value is in excess of the sum delegated to the headteacher under the school’s internal financial regulations.
6. To consider and make recommendations on all school finance policies and their implementation, including those relating to charges and remissions, lettings and income.
7. To contribute to the school’s continuous improvement plan and ensure it includes consideration of the longer term resource requirements of the school.
8. To consider the appropriate level of reserves and balances bearing in mind guidance produced by the Authority.
9. To consider audit reports and other relevant reports and make recommendations to the management committee.
10. To consider appropriate arrangements to attain/continue to meet the Schools Financial Value Standard (SFVS).
11. To consider and advise on any financial matter referred to it by the management committee.
12. To respond, on behalf of the management committee, to any consultations relating to the Scheme of Delegation or the Funding of Schools.
Staffing Responsibilities
1. To prepare staff policies for approval by the management committee.
2. In conjunction with the headteacher, to draw up a staffing structure and to review it annually.
3. To ensure that all the procedures relating to the recruitment, selection and appointment of staff are in place and that they are kept under review following any changes in legislation.
4. To ensure that all procedures for the appointment of teaching staff and key support staff are carried out, in accordance with agreed arrangements and to delegate to the headteacher and one sub-committee member the appointment of all other support staff.
5. To delegate to the headteacher all provision of supply cover of under one term’s duration.
6. To ensure that consultations take place as required (eg over pay policy) with all staff or with recognised trade unions.
7. To ensure that appropriate job descriptions are in place.
8. To check that the arrangements for staff appraisal (performance management) are in place and being developed.
9. To monitor the programme of staff development and training and ensure it meets the needs of the school continuous improvement plan and the staff.
10. To receive regular reports on staff absence, if not already reported to the full management committee.
11. Review annually the unit total of the school and the effect, if any on the ISR
NOTE | The appointment of a headteacher or deputy headteacher is not a function of this committee.
Premises/Health and Safety Responsibilities
1. To exercise delegated responsibility for the condition, repair, extension or alteration of premises.
2. To inspect annually the premises and grounds and prepare a statement of priorities for maintenance and development for the approval of the management committee.
3. To advise the management committee on major projects deemed to be necessary or appropriate.
4. To work with relevant partners and consultants to ensure that new buildings and improvements, as agreed with the management committee, are progressed and where appropriate that the payments are made.
5. To act on behalf of the management committee in monitoring the implementation and progress of all building related plans.
6. To monitor the maintenance and upkeep of the school premises and grounds.
7. Where it is the responsibility of the management committee, to make recommendations to the management committee on the appointment of consultants or the providers of premises related services.
8. To determine the use of the school premises outside school session time including advice to the management committee on a possible charging policy which must be determined by the management committee.
9. To provide support and guidance to the headteacher on all matters relating to the school premises and grounds, security and health and safety.
10. To ensure that arrangements are in place for the dissemination of health and safety information to all building users, including staff, pupils and visitors.
11. To review the school’s health and safety policy as and when required and to advise the management committee, along with the headteacher, with regard to its compliance with health and safety regulations.
12. To monitor accident reports and fire drills and where appropriate recommend and take advice on remedial action.
13. To ensure the school complies with health and safety regulations, including that a regular audit of risk assessment is undertaken and to take action where necessary.
14. To promote co-operation between all employees at the school to achieve and to maintain a safe and healthy workplace for staff and pupils.
15. To examine safety inspection reports and to make recommendations where remedial action is required.
16. To be mindful of the requirements of the Equality Act.
Date Adopted ………………26 JUNE 2013
Review Date (Annually) ……………AUTUMN 2014
Terms of reference
The sub-committee shall consist of at least 5 managers including the headteacher and chair.
Non-voting participants may be invited to meetings by the sub-committee as and when required.
The sub-committee will appoint the chair of the sub-committee who should not be the headteacher.
The membership and terms of reference of the sub-committee will be reviewed and determined annually by the management committee and recorded in the minutes of that management committee meeting. The agreed membership of the sub-committee is attached.
The management committee will appoint a clerk to the sub-committee, who will not be another manager.
The sub-committee should seek external advice as appropriate, and in the case of a school requiring special support then the MIT adviser will have a standing invitation to attend the sub-committee and has a duty to report to it. The school adviser will also attend as appropriate.
The quorum shall be 3 managers.
The clerk to the sub-committee shall be responsible for convening meetings of the committee. Procedures of any meeting held must be minuted and the minutes presented at the next meeting of the management committee.
The sub-committee shall meet at least once each term and otherwise as required.
Standards and Effectiveness Responsibilities
The main function of the sub-committee is to monitor and evaluate the standards and achievement of the school and the quality of education provided.
In particular, the sub-committee will:
1. monitor and evaluate progress in meeting the key targets identified in the School Continuous Improvement Plan (SCIP)
2. monitor and evaluate the impact of the SCIP, curriculum policies and planning on the key areas of Achievement, Quality of Teaching, Leadership and Management and Behaviour and Safety;
3. monitor pupil progress in relation to the targets set and with specific reference to particular groups;
4. receive and critically review school performance data including that from the Lancashire School Improvement Profile;
5. monitor the progress and evaluate the impact of support received from the local authority or other bought in services;
6. monitor and evaluate aspects of the school’s provision eg pastoral care, guidance and support, leadership and management, SEN and inclusion, attendance and safeguarding:
7. ensure members of the committee and other managers have a clear understanding of the vision and aims and strengths and weaknesses of the school so they can actively contribute to the completion of the self-evaluation;
8. request and receive reports, as and when required, from key members of staff e.g. curriculum leaders and senior leaders;
9. ensure that sub-committee members and other managers keep themselves informed of the key initiatives and take part in appropriate training and development activities;
10. contribute to the preparation of any appropriate action or development plans.
Curriculum Responsibilities
The main function of the sub-committee is to advise the headteacher and management committee on matters concerning the school curriculum, in particular:
1. To ensure that the curriculum provided meets the statutory requirements, including those for reporting.
2. To review the aims of the school curriculum in relation to the current statutory requirements, including those for Religious Education, Collective Worship and Sex Education.
3. To review and recommend a home-school agreement to the management committee.
4. To advise on ways in which managers can be involved in curriculum aspects of the School Continuous Improvement Plan and the Self Evaluation Form.
5. To prepare or review any curriculum policy document which is the responsibility of the management committee.
6. To make recommendations to the management committee on assessment policies, or arrangements.
7. To monitor pupil progress in relation to the targets set and with specific reference to particular groups.
8. To monitor the impact of curriculum policies and planning on learning.
9. To contribute to the School Profile or its successor.
10. To receive reports from the nominated managers, as decided by the whole management committee.
11. To be mindful of the requirements of the Equality Act.
Pupil Welfare Responsibilities
1. To contribute to the review of the Positive Behaviour Management Policy and to make recommendations to the management committee.
2. To receive regular reports from the headteacher on pupil behaviour matters and agreed targets.
3. To contribute to the review of the anti-bullying policy.
Date Adopted ……………26 JUNE 2013
Review Date (Annually) ……………AUTUMN 2014