Permanently Excluded Pupils:

All pupils should wear our School Uniform, this consists of grey or black trousers/skirt, blue polo shirt, navy blue sweatshirt with school badge, black shoes.

School polo shirts and sweatshirts can be purchased from the school office.

N.B.  Pupils will NOT be allowed to wear heavy boots for school.

Mainstream Placement Pupils:

All pupils on placement from mainstream school will continue to wear their mainstream school uniform


The children will participate in P.E. and / or Games lessons at least once each week.  They will also have the ’choice’ of participating in extra P.E/Games sessions during the option sessions in the afternoon.

Children will not be allowed to participate in P.E. without wearing a P.E. kit from which they change after the lesson.  The P.E. kit will be kept in the Unit and should consist of: –

  • Shorts
  • T-Shirt
  • Pumps, which they must wear for all PE activities in the hall.  This includes gymnastics, dance and inside games. Guidance requires pupils to wear soft and flexible footwear for these activities, so trainers would be unsafe.
  • A bag in which to keep PE kit in school.

The PE kit needs to remain in school; as the child may need it daily.

It would be helpful if you could support us by talking to your children and explaining why they will be unable to wear trainers in the hall.

Jewellery Policy

Pupils are not permitted to wear any jewellery in school for safety and security reasons.  Pupils may wear a watch but must take full responsibility for looking after it.

Personal Belongings

Because of the risk of loss or damage, personal belongings, including toys and money are not allowed unless by special arrangement with the class teacher who will write a note in the child’s home school book.  When personal possessions are brought to the school with permission, staff will try to ensure their safe keeping, but the risk of loss or damage must be accepted by parents and children


Please note that it is against School Policy for pupils at Golden Hill to have extreme hairstyles such as “Tram lines” cut into their hair. This style is unacceptable both at Golden Hill and all other mainstream schools.