Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Golden Hill Calendar

Promoting British Values is an intrinsic part of all we do. We specifically promote the four key British Values listed by the DfE through our curriculum and also in the following ways:
- We have a School Council, where 1 child from each class is voted on by their class, to enable the ‘Pupil Voice.’
- We have a Daily Meeting where pupils are given the opportunity to voice their opinion.
- On a daily basis, pupils are listened to and taught how to listen to one another.
Rule of Law
- All families sign a Home/School agreement.
- On a daily basis, we teach how to distinguish between right and wrong.
- We use our Behaviour management in school to reflect how it is important to understand why we have rules.
- We have visits from Police and Fire Service to show support for Authority.
- We look at RE and the links to rules in faith
- During the school day, we reinforce the link to rules across the curriculum eg in a sports lesson
Individual Liberty
- Through our safe, supportive environment we provide boundaries to allow children to make choices eg playtime activities, option activities, bonus bank, lunch, strategies to deal with behaviour – red/green cushions, the zone, Peace Place
- Children’s interests are celebrated and shared across our classes.
- We encourage and help pupils to understand how to exercise their rights and freedom through circle time, Online Safety support, PSHE sessions.
Mutual Respect and Tolerance for different beliefs and faiths
- Mutual respect is at the heart of our school community.
- On a daily basis, pupils are supported in the restorative approach to settle disputes.
- We teach the value of Respect through our Values lessons.
- We use RE and PSHE to reinforce and promote respect and tolerance towards each other and the wider community.
Golden Hill Short Stay School will challenge anyone who promotes views or behaviours that are contrary to the British Values.